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Your FoodTrader Portal

In this section of the FoodTrader User Guide you can access guidance on the following:

Overview screen

Once you have set up your FoodTrader portal access, each time you sign in you will see your Overview screen.

The Overview screen is made up of six display tiles detailing your current registration or notification data.


Menu Navigation

A set of menu options are arranged to the left of your portal screen. Use these menu items to navigate around your portal.

Overview: This will return you to the home screen of your portal.

Applications: Here you will find a list of the applications you have generated and the status of each of them.

Statements of Trade: Here you will find a list of the Statements of Trade you have submitted and the status of each of them.

Premises: Here you will find a list of your registered or notified (or previously registered or notified) premises and the status of each of them.

Fee: Here you will find lists of your outstanding or previously paid fees.

Documents: You can access your registration/notification certificates and your invoices here.


Application Statuses

The status of any application can be viewed in the Applications list of your portal and will tell you what stage of the application process each has reached.

Draft: An application that has been started and saved and needs completion before it can be submitted.

Submitted: An application that has been fully completed and submitted to council and is awaiting acknowledgement by council.

Changes required: An application that has been acknowledged by council but needs additional or adjusted information to be progressed. Council may contact you to discuss the required changes.

Pending: An application that has been acknowledged by council and is now under review. Council may need to complete a number of activities during this stage, such as managing your registration fees or inspecting your premises.

Complete: An application that has been fully processed by council. When an application moves to this status you will be notified by email of the application outcome.

Declined by council: An application that council has declined and will not progress. You should contact council for further information.