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User Guide

Welcome to the FoodTrader User Guide

FoodTrader is the online registration database for businesses and community groups to register and notify their temporary or mobile food premises, vending machine or water carting business.

FoodTrader allows users to:

  • apply for Food Act registration/notification with a registering council
  • manage updates to a registration or notification
  • renew registrations annually
  • access and pay fees and invoices (where the registering council allows online payment)
  • apply for Statements of Trade when intending to trade at Victorian events.

The below links provide access to user guidance on the following FoodTrader functions:

  • Getting started
    • Transferring from Streatrader
    • Signing up as a new user
    • Changing your password
  • Statements of Trade
    • Applying for a Statement of Trade
    • Receiving notice that a Statement of Trade has processed
    • Finding your Statement of Trade
    • Downloading a Statement of Trade
    • Withdrawing a Statement of Trade
    • Why was my Statement Of Trade declined?
  • Keeping your Registration or Notification up to date
    • Updating your Proprietor details
    • Updating your Principle Premises address
    • Updating your Contact details
    • Updating the details of a premises
    • Adding an additional premises to an existing Registration or Notification
    • Closing a premises
    • Reopening a premises
    • Renewing your Registration
    • Closing your Registration
    • Reopening your Registration