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Terms and Icons

A glossary of terms and icons used in FoodTrader

Registration Registration under the Food Act 1984 is required when operating any temporary or mobile food premises that have been classified as a Class 2, 3a or 3. Registration is granted on a limited term basis. Registrations therefore have an expiry date and may require annual renewal.
Notification Notification under the Food Act 1984 (otherwise known as exemption from a requirement to register) only applies when all premises operated by an organisation are classified as Class 4.
Notification, once granted, is not end dated and does not require renewal.
A business already registered with PrimeSafe (or an equivalent interstate authority) is also granted a Notification in relation to its Class 3 premises.
Proprietor Proprietor is the term given to the person or organisation responsible for the registration or notification of food premises and compliance with food safety obligations under the Food Act 1984.
Classification Classification is a system of regulatory rating applied to food premises in Victoria. Temporary and mobile food premises can be classified at Class 2, 3a, 3 or 4.
The class of a premises is determined by the type, the food types sold from the premises, and the methods of food preparation, storage, and sale used at that premises.
The legislative requirements and obligations of a food premises may depend on the Class applied to it.
Statement of Trade Under the Food Act 1984 it is a requirement that most temporary and mobile food premises apply for a Statement of Trade before trading at an event or location in Victoria.
A Statement of Trade must be applied for at least one full business day before trading is intended to commence.
Water carter premises are exempt from any requirement to apply for Statements of Trade.
Principal premises A principal premises address is allocated to each registration or notification.
The principal premises address can be determined by a number of possible factors, such as where a business or community group usually prepares or stores the food sold, where the food premises equipment is usually stored, or where a mobile premises is usually garaged or parked.
The principal premises address, once allocated, determines which Victorian local council will be responsible for registering (and regulating) that organisation under the Food Act 1984.
Registering council The registering council is the local council where the organisation’s principal premises address is located.
It is the council that will assess and issue the registration or notification and be responsible for the regulation of all food premises under that registration/notification.
The primary council is allocated when applying for registration or notification. The Primary council will change only if the Principal Premises address is updated to an address in a different local council area.
Trading council A trading council is relevant when applying for a Statement of Trade. The trading council is the local council where the trading event will be held.
An application for a Statement of Trade will be sent to, and reviewed by, the trading council.
When reviewing a request for a Statement of Trade, a trading council will check the registered or notified status of the trading premises.



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