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User management

In this section of the OSCAR User Guide, you can access step-by-step instructions on the following:

  • Updating a council officer’s status to inactive when they leave council
  • Viewing the list of inactive officers in your council



  1. Using the navigations menu on the left, select ‘Users’.
  2. Locate the council officer you want to deactivate and click on their name in the Full Name column. This will ensure the officer does not appear in any drop-down lists.
  3. At the bottom of the page, click the ‘Deactivate Account’ button.
  4. Select ‘Yes’ to the Deactivate User Account pop-up box.
  5. Select ‘Ok’ to the User pop-up box
  6. The officer is now deactivated.
  7. The ‘Deactivate Account’ button has changed to ‘Active Account’ at the bottom of the page.
  8. Select ‘Exit’ to return to Users list.
  9. The officer will no longer appear in the active user list.
  1. Using the navigations menu on the left, select ‘Users’.
  2. At the top of the page, click on the Filter icon.
  3. In the Active field, select ‘Inactive’.
  4. The screen will display the list inactive council officers.