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Renewals Q&A Session

August 2023

An online Q&A session on the Renewals functions in OSCAR was held on 29 August 2023.

The session provided council the opportunity to ask questions about the Renewals process and included a demonstration of the Renewals functions in OSCAR.

A recording of the session and the list of Q&As can be accessed below.

The Due for Renewal list in relation to reminders is the only list that can be managed in bulk.

Related fee calculations (discounts) have not been possible to date but will be introduced in Release 2.2 at the end of September. This will allow councils to apply discounts against multiple premises of the same type.

All operators should get the renewal reminder as it is set to be sent to their previously used email address. For those that intend to renew but haven’t yet discovered FoodTrader, this should prompt them to set up their new FoodTrader account to process their renewal. They should be advised that, to access their existing registration, they will need to set up their FoodTrader account with the same email address associated with their Streatrader account.

The FoodTrader website contains extensive guidance (and videos) on how to access previous Streatrader registrations.

If they have an outstanding fee but cannot pay online they should contact council to arrange payment. This will not stop them submitting a renewal application.

A council officer, once they know the payment has been paid, can manually update the payment as paid in OSCAR (and issue a receipt if required).

Not currently. This is flagged as a potential future enhancement to the system.

No. This is a set feature. A registration will show as Overdue for the first 90 days after the expiry date and then change to Expired. While it is Overdue, a renewal application can still be submitted. Renewal is no longer possible once it moves to Expired.

Overdue and Expired Registrations will remain on a council’s Renewal Due list for continued follow up with the proprietors to either bring the registrations up to date or consider possible closure.

This is a bug and is currently under fix. It should only occur when it is true. 

No. It is just a flag to council to indicate the renewal has not been actioned for over 90 days. Council need to follow up with the proprietor and, where applicable, action a closure of the registration.

Not at all. The application of fees against any registration (whether new or renewed) is optional for councils and doesn’t affect whether applications can be approved.

This is a bug. We will investigate this further and get fixed asap.

Yes, you can change this setting using the Amend Details function on each Registration record.  

Related fee calculations (discounts) and the use of Auto fees have not been possible to date but will be introduced in Release 2.2 at the end of September. This will allow councils to apply discounts against multiple premises of the same type for the same registration and to have renewal fees auto calculated and issued to renewal applicants.