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In this section of the OSCAR User Guide you can access training videos and step-by-step guidance on the following:

  • Amending a registration record
  • Update and reassign account login email

This section will be continually updated with new content  relating to Registrations functionality in OSCAR.


This video focuses on how to amend a registration record in OSCAR.

Amendments can be made to any details on a registration or notification record including:

  • proprietor type, proprietor details or contact details,
  • principal premises type, address, and principal registering council,
  • specific food premises, including changes to the premises type, premises description, or to the answers to the food related questions,
  • registration period, and
  • the intended date to trade.

By the end of this video, you should understand how to amend a current registration record.

It is important to note that you cannot amend a registration/notification record with a status of closure requested, closed, or while it has associated Applications in-train (status of draft, submitted, changes required, or pending). Outstanding applications will need to be fully processed before any amendment to the registration can be initiated. It is also important to understand that an amend registration must be completed at one point in time, a draft amendment cannot be saved and recommenced at a later time. Please ensure you have the time you need to complete the process in full.

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Registrations’.
  2. Find the registration you are wanting to amend and click on the view icon in the far-right column to open the registration.
  3. At the top of the page, select ‘Amend Registration’.
  4. On the amend registration screen, you will see two actions buttons at the top of the page:
    • Cancel Amendment – selecting this button will trigger a pop-up box asking if you want to leave the page and abandon the amendment? If you select Yes, the amendment will be abandoned, and you will return to the registration record. If you select No, the pop-up will close, and you can continue with the amendment.
    • Confirm Changes – Selecting this button will confirm any changes you have made.
  5. Scroll down to the information previously recorded for the registration/notification.
  6. Toggle through each tab (steps 1-6) and update any information as required (be sure to fill in all mandatory fields).
  7. On step 6, select ‘Confirm Changes’ (alternatively you can select the Confirm Changes button at the top of the page). Note: If a mandatory field has been omitted, a validation error will display when you select Confirm Changes, and you will need to click through the steps to identify what has been missed – there will be red guidance text at the relevant fields to support you.
  8. The amend registration process is complete.

This video focuses on how to update the sign in email address of a FoodTrader account in OSCAR, when the proprietor requests it.

A community or charitable group may only organise a few events a year, and the person in control of the organisation, and their Food act registration or notification, may change regularly. This means that the new organisation representative will often be unaware of the FoodTrader login details set up by the previous representative. It is therefore important for Council, in order to avoid duplicate registrations, to be able to update the FoodTrader login email to allow a new user to take over the registration or notification.

By the end of this video, you should understand how to:

  • Update the sign in email address of a FoodTrader registration account in OSCAR.

It is important to note that the new proprietor needs to sign-up to FoodTrader as a new user, but they must not apply for a registration/notification or submit an application. Once they have signed up, the user should immediately log out and contact their registering council to arrange the switch of the existing registration or notification to their newly created account.

  1. Only Council Admin users can update the proprietor login email in OSCAR, however, Council Officer users can change their user permission type via their DUOP account, if required. Click here for further information regarding DUOP access.
  2. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Registrations’.
  3. Find the registration you are wanting to amend and click on the view icon in the far-right column to open the registration.
  4. At the top of the page, select ‘Change Proprietor login’.
  5. Search for the required email address by typing ahead in this field. Note: If the email address does not appear on the drop-down list, refresh the page. If it does not appear after refreshing, either the proprietor has NOT completed the sign up now process OR they have lodged an application with that email address. If an application has been lodged, then that email can NO longer be used and you will need to contact OSCAR support for assistance.
  6. Once you have located and selected the email, select the check box, and click Confirm.
  7. The email address has been updated and the new proprietor will now be able to login and access the registration.

Please note, a change to the ‘Managed by’ email address does not automatically change the email address of the proprietor or primary contact. If a change to these contact details is required, the new FoodTrader user can submit an Update Contact Details application to council via FoodTrader or council can update these details via an Amend Registration process.