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In this section of the OSCAR User Guide you can access training videos and step-by-step guidance on the following:

  • Managing the renewal due, renewal received and certificate required lists
  • Processing renewal applications
  • Redirection of a renewal application

This section will be continually updated with new content  relating to Renewals functionality in OSCAR.

This video focuses on how to manage registration records on the Renewals Due list.

By the end of the video, you should understand how to:

  • Manage the Renewals Due list
  • View the status of a renewal application
  • Send a renewal reminder email notification to a proprietor

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Due’ under ‘Renewals’.
  2. All renewable registrations will be listed. You can view the status of a registration, any outstanding fees and if a renewal reminder has previously been sent.
  3. To manually notify a proprietor that their registration is due, select the checkbox on the left next to the required registration or select all registrations by clicking the checkbox in the top row next to Reg Number.
  4. Select ‘Remind Via Portal’. All registrations selected will receive a reminder notification via email prompting them to sign in to FoodTrader and submit their renewal application. When a reminder is sent the date in the ‘Reminder Sent’ column will update.
  5. Registrations will remain on this list until a renewal application is received. Once the expiry date is reached, if no renewal application has been submitted the ‘Renewal Status’ will move to Overdue.
  6. Overdue and Expired registrations will remain listed on the Renewal Due list, providing councils the opportunity to follow up with any proprietors that have not actioned submitted a renewal application.
  7. Select ‘Export to Excel’ to export the list to an Excel spreadsheet for use.

This video focuses on how to manage the Renewals Received and Certificate Required lists in OSCAR.

By the end of this video, you should understand how to:

  • Manage the Received list, including how to sort through applications that have been received and accepted, view outstanding fees, and see if the proprietor wishes to renew their registration or not.
  • Issue a certificate on a renewed registration using the Certificate Required list.

Managing the Renewals Received list

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Received’ under ‘Renewals’.
  2. All renewal applications that have been received will be listed. Note: received applications move from the ‘Due’ list to the ‘Received’
  3. There are multiple columns on the list that provide a quick overview, including Expiry Date, Renewal App. Rec’d, Summary, App. Status and Outstanding Fee.
  4. To view an application, select the View Application icon in the far-right column.
  5. To view the registration, select the View Registration icon in the far-right column.
  6. Once a renewal application has been accepted, all fees have been paid and the registration renewed, it will disappear from the Received list and the process will be complete.

Managing the Certificate Required list

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Certificate Required’ under ‘Renewals’.
  2. Here you will have the option of issuing a certificate or viewing the registration.
  3. To issue a certificate, select the Issue Certificate icon in the far-right column.
  4. Once selected, you will be taken to the registration and a pop-up will display confirming if you are sure you would like to issue a certificate. Click ‘Yes’.
  5. The certificate is issued and available on FoodTrader.

This video focuses on how to process a renewal application for a Foodtrader user that does NOT wish to renew.

By the end of this video, you should understand how to:

  • Accept, and decline renewal applications where the user does not wish to renew.
  • Finalise the closure of the registration once the application has been accepted.

Decline a renewal application where the user does not wish to renew

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Received’ under ‘Renewals’.
  2. On this page you will see all renewal applications that have been submitted to your council. You can use the filter options to refine your search.
  3. Click the ‘view application’ icon in the far-right column to open the renewal application.
  4. At the top of the page you will see a blue banner identifying the reason the renewal is not required.
  5. Above the blue banner, click ‘Decline Application’.
  6. A pop-up box will display advising ‘This renewal application has been updated by the proprietor as ‘Renewal not required’. Declining this application will cancel the request to not renew and allow the proprietor to reapply for renewal. Do you wish to proceed?” Y/N
  7. If you select ‘No’ the pop-up box will close, and you will be returned to the application with no action taken.
  8. If you select ‘Yes’:
    • The application will be declined, and the status will update to ‘Declined by Council’.
    • The registration record will remain in the existing status (renewal due or overdue).
    • A system generated comment will be left on the registration record.
    • The business user will have the renew button available again if eligible.

Accept a renewal application where the user does not wish to renew

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Received’ under ‘Renewals’.
  2. On this page you will see all renewal applications that have been submitted to your council. You can use the filter options to refine your search.
  3. Click the ‘view application’ icon in the far-right column to open the renewal application.
  4. At the top of the page you will see a blue banner identifying the reason the renewal is not required.
  5. Above the blue banner, click ‘Accept Application’.
  6. A pop-up box will display advising ‘This renewal application has been updated by the proprietor as ‘Renewal not required’. Acceptance of this application will move the registration to a status of ‘Closure requested’. Do you wish to proceed? Y/N’.
  7. If you select ‘No’ the pop-up box will close, and you will be returned to the application with no action taken.
  8. If you select ‘Yes’:
    • The renewal application will move to status ‘Pending’.
    • The registration record will move to status ‘Closure Requested’.
    • All component Premises Records move to status ‘Closure Requested’.
    • A system generated comment will be added to the registration record.

Close a registration for an accepted renewal application where the user does not wish to renew

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Received’ under ‘Renewals’.
  2. On this page you will see all renewal applications that have been submitted to your council. You can use the filter options to refine your search.
  3. Click the ‘view registration’ icon in the far-right column to open the registration.
  4. You can see that the registration record has a status of ‘Closure Requested’.
  5. At the top of the page, click ‘Close All’. A pop-up box will advise that this will close all component premises.
  6. If you select ‘No’, the pop up box will close, and you will be returned to the registration with no action taken.
  7. If you select ‘Yes’, you will need to select the relevant closure reason and provide a summary of this reason in the text box.
  8. The registration record and any component premises and SOT’s will update to a status of ‘Closed’.
  9. The renewal application will move to a status of ‘Complete’ and will no longer be visible in the renewals list.
  10. A system generated comment will be added to the registration record.

This video focuses on how to process a renewal application for a FoodTrader user that DOES wish to renew. It is recommended that you first view our other videos on the renewal configuration settings and the renewal lists as this will provide you with further context.

The renewal process in OSCAR is a 2-step approval process. First, Council will accept the renewal application if they are happy to proceed with the renewal. They will then renew the registration and issue an updated certificate once all renewal fees and other actions are complete.

By the end of this video, you should understand how to process a renewal application from start to finish in OSCAR.

  1.  Using the Navigation menu on the left, select ‘Received’ under ‘Renewals’.
  2. To view an application, select the View Application icon in the far-right column.
  3. Select ‘Accept Application’. The status of the application will change to ‘Pending’.
  4. You will be taken directly to the registration once the application is accepted.
  5. If you need to apply any renewal fees continue with the steps below. If you do NOT need to add any fees, skip to step 13.
  6. To add your renewal fees, scroll down the page to ‘Fees’.
  7. Select ‘Apply fees’.
  8. Under ‘Fee Type’ select ‘Renewal Fee’. Amount should prepopulate as per your Council Fee structure.
  9. Select ‘Save’.
  10. If you wish to issue an invoice to the proprietor, check the box.
  11. If you wish to issue the fee to the FoodTrader portal, select ‘Yes’.
  12. Once the fee has been processed in OSCAR (either by SecurePay or the manual process by a Council Officer or Admin), navigate to the registration. This can be done by going through the Registration list OR via the Renewal ‘Received’ list.
  13. To go via the Renewal ‘Received’ list, select the View Registration icon in the far-right column of the registration you wish to renew.
  14. Select the ‘Renew’ button.
  15. The dates of the new term of registration will prepopulate based on your Council Configuration settings. These can be changed if required.
  16. Select ‘Save and Exit’.
  17. A pop-up will display asking if you would like to proceed with issuing a certificate.
  18. If you select ‘No’, the pop-up will close, and no action will be taken.
  19. If you select ‘Yes’, the certificate will be issued.
  20. Registration has been renewed successfully and will be removed from the Renewals ‘Received’ list.

This video focuses on what happens when a FoodTrader user submits a renewal application that includes a change to their principal premises address resulting in a change to the registering council.

When completing a renewal application, FoodTrader users have the option of updating any of their registration information, including the address of their principal premises. If the updated principal premises address is in a different municipality to the current registering council, the renewal application will redirect to the new Council to be accepted and renewed.

By the end of this video, you should understand:

  • What happens to a renewal application when the principal premises address is updated and the registration is redirected to a new council
  • How to process a renewal application (as the new council).

  1. As the new Council, using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Applications’.
  2. Locate the ‘Renewal Application’ and click the view icon in the far-right column.
  3. After reviewing the application, select ‘Accept Application’ at the top of the page.
  4. The registration prefix will update to that of the new council and will now appear on the new councils Registration list.
  5. Finalise any outstanding fees or actions and liaise with the old council (if necessary).
  6. To finalise the renewal, navigate to the Registration/Notification record (if you are not already there).
  7. At the top of the page, select the ‘Renew’ button.
  8. The dates of the new term of registration will prepopulate based on your Council Configuration settings. These can be changed if required.
  9. To confirm the dates, select ‘Save and Exit’.
  10. A pop-up will display asking if you would like to proceed with issuing a certificate.
  11. If you select ‘No’, the pop-up will close, and no action will be taken.
  12. If you select ‘Yes’, the certificate will be issued.
  13. Registration has been renewed successfully.