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In OSCAR each council can maintain a list of food events in its municipality, including those that are council managed. A council’s Events list is internal to OSCAR, but individual event records can be published to appear on an externally published list. Businesses and community groups are able to select from this published events list when applying for Statements of Trade using FoodTrader.

If a Statement of Trade applicant is unable to find an event on  the published list, they will manually enter the details of the event and submit those details as part of the application. OSCAR offers council officers, on reviewing a pending Statement of Trade that includes manually entered event details, a number of options on how to treat that event information.

In this section of the OSCAR User Guide you can access training videos and step-by-step guidance on the following:

  • Maintaining the Events list
  • Creating, copying & editing event records
  • Publishing events
  • Managing events information submitted by a Statement of Trade applicant

This section will be continually updated with new content relating to Events functionality in OSCAR.

This video focuses on how to maintain and navigate the Events list in OSCAR.

By the end of this video, you should be confident in maintaining an events list for your council using OSCAR.

Maintaining the Events list

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Events’
  2. On this page, you can view all events entered into OSCAR for your council.
  3. To export the list to Excel, select the checkbox on the left-hand side of the list for each record. You can select multiple events, or you can export all by selecting the checkbox in the first row next to ‘Event ID’. Once you have selected the events you require, select ‘Export to Excel’ and a document will be created. It can be found in your downloads folder.
  4. To view the events records of  other Councils, select the blue drop down arrow next to the word ‘Filter’.
  5. The ‘Trading Council’ selection will be defaulted to your Council; however, this can be removed by selecting the ‘X’ in ‘Trading Council’ or by selecting the ‘Clear filters’ button located on the right-hand side of the screen.
  6. Once the necessary filters have been cleared, you will be able to view a full list of the events recorded in OSCAR across Victoria. Please note: you will not be able to edit the event records of other councils.

This video focuses on how to maintain your council’s event records in OSCAR. Each Council will maintain a list of food Events held within its municipality and will be responsible for creating and editing the events on that list.

By the end of this video, you should understand how to create, copy and edit an event record using OSCAR.

Creating an Event

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Events’.
  2. On the Events list, select ‘+ Add Event’.
  3. Fill in the mandatory fields indicated by an asterisk. These include the event name and address.
  4. Select and enter the event period using the date entry fields.
  5. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to ‘Active’. Please note: the active button is used to indicate whether an event is live (active) or expired/cancelled (inactive).
  6. Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ to ‘Council Managed’.
  7. Enter in the name of the responsible Council Officer for this event/record.
  8. If the event is not council managed and if available, you can enter the details of an external organiser under Coordinator Name, Coordinator Phone and Email.
  9. Once all the mandatory fields have been entered, your event can be saved. Scroll to the top of the page and select ‘Save’.
  10. Your event has now been saved and will be visible in the Events list.

Editing an Event

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Events’.
  2. Click the ‘View’ icon in the far-right column of the list to open the event record you wish to edit.
  3. At the top of the page, click ‘Edit’.
  4. All fields and settings will now be available for editing.
  5. Edit the fields/settings required.
  6. Scroll back to the top of the page and click ‘Save’.
  7. The event will now be saved, and the changes made will be visible as you scroll down the page.

Copying an Event

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Events’.
  2. On this page, you will be able to view all events that have been entered into OSCAR for your council.
  3. Click the ‘View’ icon in the far-right column of the list to open the event you wish to copy. Copy is used when a new event record is needed but will replicate most of the details of a past event, such as an annual event where there only thing updated on a new record will be the year contained in the event name and the event dates.
  4. At the top of the page, click ‘Copy’. A new event record will open.
  5. Amend any details as needed. Make sure to add the year in the event name i.e., Fine Foods 2023, and update the trading dates as the prior year’s dates will still be populated.
  6. At the top of the page, click ‘Save’. Please note: the save button only appears once a field has been edited.

Once saved, an Event ID will be allocated, and the new record will now be visible in the Events list. You will now be able to edit and publish the record as required.

This video focuses on how to publish an event that has been created and saved to your council’s event list in OSCAR. The Publish function is used when an event is ready to be published to FoodTrader for selection by proprietors when applying for Statements of Trade.

By the end of this video, you should be able to successfully publish an event using OSCAR.

Publishing an event

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Events’.
  2. Click the ‘View’ icon in the far-right column to open the event you wish to publish.
  3. At the top of the page, click ‘Publish’.
  4. Your event has now been published and will be visible in FoodTrader for business users to select when lodging a SOT.
  5. Once an event record is published, the Publish option at the top of the screen will change to ‘Unpublish’. Use this option to unpublish the event and remove it from the selections available to Statement of Trade applicants.
  6. The published/unpublished status of an event records will be indicated in the Events list.

This video focuses on how to manage event details that have been manually entered and submitted by a Statement of Trade applicant. OSCAR offers a number of options for this.

By the end of this video, you will be able to manage the event details supplied by a Statement of Trade applicant and, where applicable, use the information to update your council’s events list.

Replacing manually entered event information with an event list selection

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Statements of Trade’ .
  2. Select the view icon located next to the pending SOT that you wish to review.
  3. If the SOT contains event information that has been manually entered by the applicant (i.e. not selected from the events list) and an events record exists on the council’s event list, select the ‘Replace Event’ button located at the top of the page.
  4. A pop up will appear and ask you to select the required event from the events list.
  5. Under ‘Select Event’, begin to type in the first letters of the event you wish to add. If the event is active and has been published, it will appear, and you will be able to select it.
  6. Once selected, click ‘Confirm’.
  7. Another pop up will appear asking you to confirm the update again. Select ‘Yes’.
  8. You will then be redirected back to the SOT and the ‘Trading Event’ details have now been aligned to the correct event list record.

Saving manually entered event details to your council’s Events list

  1. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Statements of Trade’ .
  2. Select the view icon located next to the pending SOT that you wish to review.
  3. If the SOT contains event information that has been manually entered by the applicant (i.e. not selected from the events list) that you want to save to your council’s event list, select the ‘Save Event’ button at the top of the SOT screen.
  4. An event entry screen will open. The details that have been provided by the SOT applicant will be prepopulated to the record but can be updated, expanded or overwritten as required.
  5. Once you have entered the full event details select ‘Save’. The event will automatically be set to active and will be published in FoodTrader for selection by other SOT applicants.
  6. You will be redirected to the Statement of Trade and can view the updated Trading Event details. From here you can process the Statement of Trade.
  7. The event will have now been saved to the councils event list and you can manage the event record from here, including editing or unpublishing it.

Accepting an SOT without any changes to the manually entered event details

  1. You may decide that the event details entered manually by an SOT applicant are a one off and don’t need saving to the list for selection by other applicants. In this case, you can go ahead and process the SOT without managing any of the manually entered event information.
  2. Using the navigation menu on the left, select ‘Statements of Trade’.
  3. Select the view icon located next to the pending SOT that you wish to review.
  4. If the SOT contains event information that has been manually entered by the applicant (i.e. not selected from the events list) and you have opted to not save the information to your council’s event list, the SOT can be processed as usual by accepting or declining the SOT.