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OSCAR User Guide

Welcome to the OSCAR User Guide

This guide has been created to support councils in the use of OSCAR, the department’s Operational System for Compliance and Registration.

This guide is intended for the exclusive use of council officers and is not for public use. Please do not share the OSCAR User Guide with users external to council.

Each section of the OSCAR User Guide (as listed below) corresponds with the menu options available in OSCAR.

Fixed premises Food Act Reporting

As well as managing the registration and notification of temporary and mobile food businesses, OSCAR includes separate functionality for the reporting of councils’ fixed premises quarterly data, as required under Section 7D of the Food Act 1984.

Reporting of fixed premises quarterly data is done via upload to FARVO (Food Act Reporting via OSCAR). Full instructions on the use of this tool are also included below.

  • Accessing temp/mobile reports
  • Using filter options on reports
  • Exporting reports to Excel

Click here to access user guidance on the temp/ mobile report function

  • Managing tasks using the Actions function

Click here to access user guidance on the Actions function

  • Finding a newly submitted application
  • Submitting a new registration application in FoodTrader
  • Declining a new registration application
  • Reversing the acceptance of a new application
  • Issuing a new registration or notification
  • Submitting a reopen registration and reopen premises application
  • Processing close registration, reopen registration, reopen premises and new premises applications
  • Closure of registration on closure of last component premises

Click here to access user guidance on the Applications function

  • Amending a registration record
  • Update and reassign account login email

Click here to access user guidance on the Registrations function

  • Requesting and accepting a Statement of Trade and viewing the Statement of Trade certificate
  • Declining a Statement of Trade
  • Closing a Statement of Trade

Click here to access user guidance on the Statements of Trade function

  • Maintaining an events list
  • Creating, editing and publishing event records

Click here to access user guidance on the Events function

  • What does the traffic light Priority allocation mean?
  • How does the traffic light Priority allocation work?
  • Which premises are allocated a Priority?
  • Which compliance check outcomes impact the Priority allocation?
  • How long do Priority allocations remain on a premises record?
  • How can the SOT traffic light Priority allocation help me?
  • Can I still conduct a compliance check on a premises with a Green Priority allocation?
  • Should I compliance check a Red or Amber premises that has subsequently had compliant outcomes?
  • Will traders be aware of the SOT Priority allocation applied to their premises?

Click here to access user guidance on the SOT traffic light priority allocation

  • Processing renewal applications
  • Managing the renewal due, received and certificate required lists
  • Redirection of a renewal application

Click here to access user guidance on the Renewals function

  • Manually applying fees
  • Issuing and invoicing fees
  • Receipting paid fees

Click here to access user guidance on the Fees function

  • Renewal settings
  • Fee configuration
  • Flat fee model
  • Discounted additional premises
  • Pro rata fees
  • Council signatures (for use on certificates)
  • Roaming Statements of Trade

Click here to access user guidance on the Configuration function

  • Assigning a council officer to a record or new application

Click here to access user guidance on the Assign Officer function

  • Updating a council officer’s status to inactive when they leave council
  • Viewing the list of inactive officers in your council

Click here to access user guidance on the User management function

  • Access to OSCAR
  • Responsible officer mailing list
  • Using the correct reporting codes
  • Extracting fixed food premises data from council systems
  • Required file name format
  • Uploading .xml files to OSCAR
  • Summary of successful fixed premises data quarterly submissions
  • Overwriting a previously successful quarterly submission
  • Fixed premises data reports

Click here to access user guidance on Food Act Reporting  via OSCAR